At Laurel Park School we want to support every member of the community to stay mentally fit and healthy.
As well as on site counselling support, Laurel Park offers support for student wellbeing with use of The STAR - Strength, Triumph, Aspirations, Resilience. The STAR at Laurel Park School is our school provision dedicated to supporting and delivering pastoral care to students with a focus on nurturing mental health and wellbeing. Students can access this room during registration, break and lunch time. The aim of this intervention is to provide tailored pastoral care to ensure students are ready for their day ahead and provide support for individual circumstances. This is accessed through an in school referral service. The use of this provision is monitored closely by our wellbeing team who support our young children.
Laurel Park School is also committed to working with outside agencies, such as My Young Mind Enfield and CAMHS in order to support our students.
As well as receiving lessons in PSHE about wellbeing, students will be reminded of where they can access support for their needs. In addition to speaking to any member of staff about any concerns they have, we remind students of support via assemblies, workshops and our safeguarding display board.
Laurel Park also uses the The SHARP System (Student Help Advice Reporting Page System). SHARP allows young people to report any incidents which occur within Laurel Park and our local community anonymously and without fear. There are also pages of support that can be accessed to help keep Laurel Park School a safe, friendly and fun place to be you can get in touch using the link. This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING.

If you are a young person and require support outside of school, please visit:
Off the Record: https://www.talkofftherecord.org
ChildLine: www.childline.org.uk Phone: 0800 1111
Young Minds: www.youngminds.org.uk
Samaritans: www.samaritans.org Phone: 116 123
Is This OK? https://www.isthisok.org.uk/
In a crisis, text ‘Shout’ to 85258.
For parent support and advice please visit the following links:
Young Minds – Parent support A to Z Mental Health: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/a-z-guide/
Parent Advice from professionals - https://parentingsmart.place2be.org.uk
MIND - https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/for-children-and-young-people/information-for-parents/
Young Minds, A guide for parents on school refusal and anxiety - https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/a-z-guide/school-anxiety-and-refusal/
In our Place - online emotional health and wellbeing courses for young people and parents -