The Safeguarding Team At Laurel Park
Laurel Park takes the safeguarding of all students very seriously - we have a duty of care when we are looking after your child.
We have built a culture where students can feel safe to speak to any member of staff at school about anything that is worrying them.
If there is a concern about a students' well-being or need to report a safeguarding issue, please contact dsl@laurelparkschool.co.uk
All our safeguarding team all fully trained to deal with safeguarding concerns
Ms A Christofi
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ms A Christofi
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL’s)
Mrs D Deufemia
Mrs C Seymour
Miss C Bignell
Mr L Hubbard
Mr P Akubuko
Ms N Gray
Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher
Associate Assistant Headteacher