Post 16
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Post-16 Progression At Laurel Park
All students must remain in some form of post-16 education, apprenticeship or formal training as per government guidelines.
In order to support this process, students will be given independent and impartial advice about their future prospects. Laurel Park has a dedicated careers advisor who offers specialised 1:1 bespoke careers advice for all students, specifically those in Year 10-11 to support with their post-16 aspirations. In addition to this, all students in Year 10 and 11 will be provided with information about up-and-coming open days and evenings at local educational settings, which will also be communicated with parents. Google Classroom will be used as a platform to collate all this information as well as offer support and advice for those making applications. We will accommodate many of these institutions into school to present in assemblies. Previous institutions include London Academy of Excellence (LAE), London Screen Academy and ASK apprenticeships. A careers fair will be offered in school for students to have face to face conversations with local education settings, as well as companies and apprenticeship opportunities for all Year 11 students and parents if requested.
Having parental support in this process is vital in order to best support your child with options available to them. Visiting educational settings with pupils is strongly advised and in some cases is compulsory. Parents will be regularly contacted with information for post-16 opportunities. If parents need further information or have any questions, they are welcome to contact Ms N Gray, the Careers Lead at Laurel Park.
Impartial advice about the different options available to students post 16 can also be found here.
Information on local educational providers can be found here