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GCSE results 2024


OFSTED recognised that our GCSE outcomes in progress and attainment did not reflect the work that has been put into the school over the last 2 years


Ofsted said -  ‘The school has significantly improved on what, ,when and how pupils are taught……. published outcomes do not reflect the positive impact changes are having on pupils’  learning’

(OFSTED Nov 2024)


Laurel Park School had 184 pupils on roll at the end of year 11 however DFE progress statistics only take into account the 136 pupils who joined the school with KS2 SATs data.


The DFE has recorded our progress as -0.37  and our average grade as 3.8


We believe the progress and achievement of every pupil should be celebrated so we have calculated our data based on every pupil on  our school roll.


Our calculated Progress of  –0.01, which includes the outcomes of all students measured against their baseline assessments on entry to the school, using CATs tests,   is broadly in line with the National average.  

When every pupil is counted the data shows pupils in Laurel Park school make good progress across their time in the school.


Attainment - We are on a rapid journey to improvement with all key indicators showing an upward trajectory.


62% of pupils achieved grade 4+ in English with 48% achieving grade 5+

57% of pupils achieved grade 4 in maths with 40% achieving grade 5+

34% of pupils achieved grade 5+ in both English and maths


We are a typical comprehensive school with pupils showing a whole range of abilities. We celebrate with the pupils who gain all grades 8 and 9, and we also celebrate with the pupils for whom success means achieving a GCSE pass in English.


When we rank all pupils by attainment eight score


  • Top 16% of  pupils achieved an average GCSE point score of 7-9


  • Top 66% of pupils achieved an average GCSE point score  of 5+


  • Top 94%  pupils achieved an average GCSE point score of  4+


Top Subjects

Pupils gained the top GCSE grade 9 or equivalent (L2D) in a whole range of subjects:


Art , Business(L2D) , Italian , Computing , English language , English literature , Media , Geography , History , Spanish , Maths , Sport studies (L2D), RE , Biology , Chemistry , Physics.


Top Grades

  • 31 pupils (17% of the year group) achieved at least one  GCSE at  grade 9 or an equivalent L2D in a vocational course.


Top Pupils

  • Our top 10 pupils all achieved 9 or more GCSE grades at grade 7-9

Post-16 Destinations

Our 2024 cohort moved onto excellent destinations including Highgate School, Winchmore School, The Compton School, Southgate School and Edmonton County. Other students moved to a college setting to continue their studies including our very own Laurel Park Sixth Form.


High performing students are encouraged to apply for scholarships and bursaries where appropriate - the school will support students the relevant students from Year 10  onwards with this process.


To support student choices, we hold a 6th form and colleges fair for our Year 10 and 11 students. Students also follow a post-16 programme in their Enrichment lessons. College and post-16 destination application and interview support is offered to all students through their 1-2-1 appointments with the school Careers Advisor, Mrs Brown. We also have a well stocked Careers Library which allows students to explore local options and review prospectuses. Alongside this, our Lead Practitioner for Careers, Ms Gray; develops and leads our careers curriculum from Year 7. We support all students to ensure their choices are aspirational and achievable.

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