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Laurel Park - SEND
Laurel Park School is an inclusive and supportive environment. We endeavour to meet the needs of all students so that they can best access our broad and balanced curriculum. We provide effective opportunities for all students by responding to students’ diverse and often complex learning needs, setting suitable learning challenges and overcoming barriers to learning.
Laurel Park is an inclusive school that believes strongly that all students, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, including access to a full curriculum and have the opportunity to meet their full potential.
Our dedicated and experienced Inclusion Team offer personalised support to students with SEND.Laurel Park School recognises the definition of SEND as described in the SEND Code of Practice 0- 25 years, 2014. More details of which can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-of-practice-0-to-25
We support students with areas of SEND including:
Specific, Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties
Speech Language or Communication Needs
Autism Spectrum Condition
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Multi-sensory Impairment
Physical Disability
Other Disability / Difficulty
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Further information can be found in our annual SEND Information Report which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Admissions for all students to Laurel Park are handled by London Borough of Enfield, including for students with Education, Health and Care plans, disabilities and Looked after Children. A copy of our Admission’s Policy can be found on our school website.
Another useful link is to the Local Authority’s Local Offer that outlines support and services for SEND available within Enfield: https://www.enfield.gov.uk/services/children-and-education/local-offer
Our SEND provision is coordinated by our school SENDCO, Mr M Dunnage. If you require additional information, or wish to discuss SEND provision at Laurel Park School please contact Mr Dunnage by email on office@laurelparkschool.co.uk