Laurel Park School
Laurel Park School High School ensures that online safety is given a high profile with all students and parents. Numerous assemblies are also held within school to address online safety and potential dangers of using the internet. Additionally and as a part of the schools PSHE Curriculum, students receive age appropriate online safety guidance. Guidance is also given to parents in the school handbook and through email and text as appropriate.
Support links/tips below:
Consider setting up a family agreement regarding how their internet use will be supervised and how long they can spend online. Resources to help can be found at http://www.getsafeonline.org.uk and www.childnet.com
Apply appropriate parental controls to all devices: www.saferinternet.org.uk and www.internetmatters.org
If you are worried that your child is at risk of harm or a criminal offence has been committed then you can report your concerns to the Police or Children’s Social Care. Please do not notify suspicious profiles of your actions, as this could enable them to delete material which might be required for any Police investigations. You can contact the Police via 101 or via 999 if there is an immediate risk to a child’s safety. You can also use the website https://www.met.police.uk
Making sure your child is safe online is one of the most important ways to support your child’s mental health. Monitoring use of their mobile phones and social media is a vital part of this. You are able to set time limits for use of apps and it is good for all students to have dedicated time away from their mobile phones. Please see advice about legal ages for different social media apps:

If you have any concerns regarding online safety or questions about how you can keep your child safer online then please contact Mr L Hubbard from the Safeguarding Team to discuss any queries.
Or email the school office at office@laurelparkschool.co.uk
Some websites that might support you.