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Curriculum Overview

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Curriculum - Vision Statement

All aspects of Laurel Park School are underpinned by our core values of Integrity, Determination, Excellence and Ambition.  We unapologetically have high expectations  of behaviour, conduct and learning as we know that our young people get one chance at education. Our young people have worked alongside us the entire journey to create their school. We pride our school on the 4Cs :  Curriculum, Character, Culture and Community.  We are excited to tell you about one of our Cs - CURRICULUM

We have developed the LPS SMART curriculum which means we have a tailored programme to meet the needs of all our learners, whether this be our LPS HORIZONS curriculum, which supports the ambition of students going to university or our LPS ACHIEVE programme, which supports our young people with additional English, reading and mental health support. We recognise that one size does not fit all students. Our curriculum also fully embraces the arts and technology subjects, so all of our students across Key Stage 3 have lessons in technology, drama, music and art with dance offered as an extracurricular club. We have had great success with our students attending prestigious sixth forms to study A levels, some securing scholarships into independent settings. 

A curriculum that supports our most vulnerable students to ensure that they have the same life chances and opportunities as all other students.  The LPS ACHIEVE curriculum is a tailored and bespoke provision that will encompass the following, tailored to the needs of individual students:


  • Additional literacy and numeracy lessons

  • English acquisition support sessions

  • Resilience intervention 

  • SEMH support through a series of interventions such as horticulture, stop animation, cooking and nutrition, art therapy and  zones of regulation. 

  • Mentoring with internal and external staff 

  • Unit Awards Scheme in a range of subjects, including Autism Awareness. 

The LPS master curriculum is the main school curriculum that is in place for all students, regardless of prior attainment and/or need.  All young people have the right to a fully inclusive curriculum.  We are proud at Laurel Park to say that all students study the full range of lessons including Art, drama, music, technology and PE.  All are taught as discreet lessons in their own right and students also have the option of studying  each of these areas when they are choosing their options in KS4.  We offer a broad range of both GCSE and vocational subjects including Level 2 Beauty in our Laurel Park Salon, which this year will also begin to explore hairdressing as part of the post-16 offer.  All students have the option of studying triple science and computing should they wish to. 



Our LPS HORIZONS curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of students with high prior attainment and to broaden the horizons of all students.  All departments have drawn together a super curriculum to encourage students to explore a subject beyond the curriculum in the classroom.  Our recently appointed coordinator will facilitate and coordinate a range of opportunities both in school and beyond in order to develop critical thinking, oracy, and increase aspirations for university.  Students will also have the opportunity through this curriculum to visit universities and have talks and workshops from those in Higher Education. 


Our Sixth Form is the only vocational based sixth form in Enfield.  For some students,

A levels aren't an appropriate pathway,

so our sixth form is based around the workplace  and hands on learning, to ensure that students can study to complete equivalent A level qualifications, whilst also gaining valuable work experience, all within a school setting.  Our new sixth form currently offers Sport and Physical Activity and Beauty Therapy, in our very own LPS Beauty Salon where students run the salon as a business, booking appointments and conduct treatments.


For September 2025 admissions, we are offering 11 vocational subjects including Applied Law, Business, Applied Science and Media all run our by our team of specialist teachers and industry professionals.

LPS Sixth Form

Our  LPS ASPIRE programme  works in partnership with the Skills Builder programme.   The aim of this is to make sure that all of our young people develop those softer skills of teamwork, resilience,  problem solving, oracy and listening to make sure that they are fully equipped and ready for the world outside of school. All students work towards a set of skills, meeting Bronze, Silver and Gold thresholds.  This is supported by our LPS TRIPS programme, because we firmly believe that when we offer a trip, all students in a year group should have the chance to go, and not just the selected few. Our students have been to some wonderful places such as The Royal Opera House, A riverboat cruise on the Thames and the London Eye and Warwick castle, just to name a few. 


As a school we are committed to offering an extra-curricular programme that covers a wide range of areas of interest.  Our Extra-curricular programme is delivered by in-house staff and a range of external providers.  The clubs are great places for students to make friends across all year groups with the added bonus of having shared areas of interest.   The timetable is published each term and all clubs are free.


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