Laurel Park Awards
At Laurel Park School we expect the best out of all our students. Through our curriculum, extra curricular activities and Awards Programme, we aim to give all our students the best opportunity to succeed both academically and socially and feel recognised for their achievements.
We expect students to be highly motivated to learn and to exemplify the highest standards of personal conduct. Together, we achieve this through encouragement and praise for students showing integrity, determination, excellence and ambition.
Students who represent our school ethos and values are recognised and celebrated through our Awards Programme.
Our Awards Programme is implemented both inside and outside of the classroom. Students can receive Character Points during their lessons, before and after school and during social times from any member of staff.
Golden Tickets are issued during lessons for a student who has performed exceptionally. They are then entered into a raffle each term to win amazing prizes!
Headteacher’s Awards are given on a half term basis to a student from each form; nominated by their form tutor. Students receive a certificate and a pin badge.
Headteacher’s Commendations are awarded termly and members of the community, staff, students and parents are able to nominate via this link:
Headteacher's Commendations Nominations (CLICK TO NOMINATE)
Students who win this award go above and beyond our expectations and will receive a certificate and a special Laurel Leaf pin badge.
Award Certificates are given to students during Achievement Assemblies that are held at the end of each term. These certificates can be for department awards, AQA Unit awards, RSLs awards and Headteacher Commendations.
We also have our Laurus Nobilis Awards Ceremony each November where selected students are celebrated based on their achievements in the previous year. Year 11 leavers are invited back to be a part of this celebration.