Laurel Park Anti Bullying
At Laurel Park we take our students' safety and wellbeing very seriously. Everyone has the right to come to school to learn without fear of bullying, victimisation or discrimination of any kind.
However, only incidents of persistent bullying should be reported via this page and any ongoing disagreements or conflicts should be resolved by reporting this directly to your Head of Year, not via this page.
Bullying is not tolerated in any form at Laurel Park High School. Cases of bullying are rare; they are dealt with swiftly and decisively.
Our high expectations of the students’ conduct towards one another are made clear through the Anti-Bullying Pledge that all students sign at the beginning of each academic year. The Anti-Bullying Pledge also teaches students about the fundamental importance of informing staff through a means with which they feel comfortable.
In addition to reporting a concern to their Head of Year verbally, students’ concerns can be sent using the report bullying button below. Reports go directly to a senior member of staff who will deal with the issue sensitively and effectively.

The Sharp System
The SHARP System (Student Help Advice Reporting Page System)
Laurel Park use the SHARP system. SHARP allows young people to report any incidents which occur within Laurel Park and local community anonymously and without fear. There are also pages of support that can be accessed to help keep Laurel Park School a safe, friendly and fun place to be you can get in touch using the link.
This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING.